Erin Two Point Oh

Thoughts on the First Four Weeks

Posted on: November 16, 2010

Upon reflection, as the first half of our class comes to a close, I’d have to say that our foray into the use of Delicious in the classroom has been of most interest to me. While I’ve used Delicious since 2007 on a regular basis it’s only recently that I’ve used the site as a means for organizing research and materials related to both work and graduate school. Before then I primarily bookmarked items I wanted to cook, buy, or places I hope to visit. It was a much more personal scrapbook approach to links.

However, the longer I worked in my position at Lesley the more interest I gained in specific areas of eLearning including online gaming in education, ebooks, creative uses of tools in the classroom etc… I’ve also found that delicious is a great way to categorize items of note while you’re at a conference and I did just that last weekend after attending a local “unconference” at Wentworth Institute of Technology called THATCamp. As I visited each of the panels I was interested in I was able to log websites, blogs, and product sites into Delicious. Then I applied appropriate tags and a catch-all tag of “thatcamp” so I could easily refer back to these items later. I was also able to quickly share the items with my co-workers on Monday morning just by emailing them the url of the tag.

In the next four weeks I’m looking forward to being introduced to more creative in-class tool usage as well as the unit which will allow us (it would appear) to perhaps create a Web Quest of our own? I participated in a similar activity in ECOMP 5100 so it will be fun to revisit this type of assignment and refine my methods, thinking, and skill set in this area. In addition, I’m also excited to continue reading my fellow classmates’ blog posts and hearing their thoughts on how the tools and ideas we’ve been discussing can be practically applied into their classrooms and workplaces.

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November 2010